NEW Retrofit Guide

New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide

Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), including detention basins, infiltration basins, bioswales, and rain gardens, are implemented to manage stormwater and improve water quality. Often seen in New Jersey, these BMPs were designed and implemented before the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitting program was created in 2004 and before the NJ Stormwater Management Rules required green infrastructure.

To fill these gaps and to assist MS4 permittees in complying with the updated permit, NJF partnered with Princeton Hydro to create a New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide. This guide provides municipalities, counties, nonprofit organizations, developers, and property owners the tools to identify opportunities to retrofit existing stormwater BMPs and install new stormwater BMPs in built-out environments. This resource also provides case studies of stormwater retrofit projects that demonstrate the partnerships and key outcomes achieved.