
There are many programs and opportunities listed below, ranging from $10,000 to $5 million, that can help fund green infrastructure projects. Sorting by project type, funding type or eligible activities will narrow your search and make it easier to see and digest what’s available.

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F. M. Kirby Foundation


Project Type: Planning, Design, Construction
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Environment and animal grants made in 2017 ranged from $10,000 to $115,00

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Nonprofit organizations.

Eligible activities include: Provide broad funding for organizations in NJ in areas of "Environment". Past grants have been for community greening projects, water quality, forestry, watersheds and specific environmental cleanup projects.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines
Unsolicited requests should be in the form of a letter of inquiry. Solicitations will be accepted throughout the year and grants issued at convenient intervals thereafter. Solicitations received after October 31st will be held for consideration the following year.


Contact: William H. Byrnes, Vice President - Grants

Phone: 973-538-4800

Address: 17 DeHart Street
PO Box 151
Morristown, NJ 07963-0151