
There are many programs and opportunities listed below, ranging from $10,000 to $5 million, that can help fund green infrastructure projects. Sorting by project type, funding type or eligible activities will narrow your search and make it easier to see and digest what’s available.

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National Rural Water Loan Fund

Rural Water Loan Fund

Project Type: Planning
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Loan amounts may not exceed $100,000 or 75% of the total project cost, whichever is less. Reasonable, below market interest rate (currently 3%) and a maximum repayment period of 10 years

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Small water and wastewater utilities. Systems must be public entities (municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, Native American Tribes, nonprofit corporations and cooperatives) serving up to 10,000 persons, or in rural areas with no population limits.

Eligible activities include: Pre-development (planning) costs for infrastructure projects; replacement equipment, system upgrades, maintenance and small capital projects; energy efficiency projects to lower costs and improve system sustainability; and disaster recovery or other emergency loans are available.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines



Address: 2915 S. 13th Street
Duncan, OK 73533