
There are many programs and opportunities listed below, ranging from $10,000 to $5 million, that can help fund green infrastructure projects. Sorting by project type, funding type or eligible activities will narrow your search and make it easier to see and digest what’s available.

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Hyde and Watson Foundation

Project Type: Construction
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Approximately $10,000

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Nonprofit organization acting with or without a local government. The current geographic areas of grant support are primarily the five boroughs of New York City, and Essex, Morris, and Union Counties in New Jersey.

Eligible activities include: Capital projects such as hard costs related to the construction or purchase of new facilities, building renovations and improvements, purchase of capital equipment and furnishings, and other one-time capital needs.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines
Paper applications are accepted. Spring grant applications are accepted November 15 - February 15. Fall grant applications are accepted June 15 - September 15.


Contact: Mrs. Brunilda Moriarty, President


Phone: 908-753-3700

Address: 31-F Mountain Boulevard
Warren, NJ 07059


Neighborhood Partners Program

Project Type: Construction
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Up to $10,000.

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Nonprofit organization acting in cooperation with a local government. , organization or program resides or benefits in the places where PSEG does business.

Eligible activities include: The PSEG foundation target areas for investments in the areas of sustainable neighborhoods, safety, and STEM education.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines
The online application is open between March 1 - September 30.