
There are many programs and opportunities listed below, ranging from $10,000 to $5 million, that can help fund green infrastructure projects. Sorting by project type, funding type or eligible activities will narrow your search and make it easier to see and digest what’s available.

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Surdna Foundation


Project Type: Planning
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Made 150 grants in 2017 - ranging from $10,000 to $1.5M. 3 grants given in NJ including $280,000 to Sustainable Jersey.

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Nonprofit organizations.

Eligible activities include: Makes grants in the priority areas of Sustainable Environments, Strong Local Economies, and Thriving Cultures. Environmental focus areas include Sustainable Transportation Networks Equitable Development Patterns and Urban Water Management (stormwater/green spaces). Strongly interested in proposals that cross over to connect all three priority areas.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines
LOIs accepted on a rolling basis. Staff invites full proposals that are reviewed 3 times per year by the Board.


Contact: Helen V. Chin, Program Director, Sustainable Environments

Phone: 212-557-0010

Address: 200 Madison Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10016